Beauty in the last three days

I have a bike and it is the most beautiful bike ever. Truckers are jealous so they keep trying to run over it. If they manage to dismantle it, they will sell the parts to Russian robots. I push the speed to 11!

Picture of the barbecue you can sometimes hear old pilots banter about. Everybody is tending his marshmallow. On the audio channel, the Slovakian fleet commander is telling jokes in broken English.
Check other Eve Blog Banter articles on the same topic.
- CrazyKinux's Musing: Beyond nebulas and shiny ships
- Freedom: the beauty in EvE » A Mule In EvE
- where the frack is my ship?: Blog Banter 26: Love at first sight
- BlogBanter 26: EVE … beautiful … « One capsuleer against all
- Blog Banter 26 « Mad Haberdashers
- » Blog Banter 26: Beauty of EVE – To Boldly Go To Boldly Go
- Down By Law: Blog Banter #26: "The Beauty of EVE" (OOC)
- Blog Banter #26 – Beauty « Roc's Ramblings
- Banter #26: Beauty is in the eye of the markets | Diary of a Garbageman
- Progression's Horizon: Blog Banter 26- Carry It With Us, Or We Find It Not
- Blog Banter 26: The Beauty of Eve « A Scientist's Life in Eve
- Freebooted: BB26: The Beauty Between the Lines
- Eve Opportunist: EBB #26 : Beauty is destruction.
- Blog banter #26: EVE shines, and not just visually « Diary of a Pod Pilot
- Learning to Fly - Spinning ships since 2003
- BB26: Beauty, in certain conditions | A Missioneer in Eve
- Dying in Lowsec (One Hauler at a time)
- EVE Blog Banter #26 – Beauty « Evehermit's Blog
Awesome and love the screen shots! Lol, the truckers are jealous, funny, but true I think. ;) Thanks for participating in this month's blog banter. I'm enjoying them. Fly and Ride safe out there!